Greetings from NPMA's PestVets. I hope this note finds you well and gearing up for the busy fall conference season! My name is Dave Ramsey and I am a member of the PestVets committee, which was formed to:
In order to help achieve our goals, our committee is hoping for assistance from your state association.
We would like to establish a liaison from your state association who would function as a point of contact for members of our committee. Our hope is that this person would help to coordinate presentations about the PestVets committee and provide resources to veterans wanting to enter our industry.
Additionally, we¹re looking for your assistance to promote our new Web site We have a career center posted on this site that currently houses 780 job opportunities across the country specifically for returning or retired veterans.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Best regards,
Dave Ramsey